February 26, 2011

Bragging on my Pop

If you know my Pop, aka Greg Alexander, you know that he is always bragging on me for things. He has truly been one of the biggest blessings in my life. He came into my life when I was 9 years old and showed me what consistency of having an Earthly Father looked like and an incredible unconditional love. My Pop has always encouraged me no matter what journey I have been on. At Thanksgiving Pop, joined my bandwagon of losing weight. He has done an incredible job and I'm so proud of him as he continues to lose weight!!! He is losing weight so much quicker than me...But I am so proud of him as he Completes his Goals!!

I love MY POP,


  1. You have been blessed with Greg...I admire the way he loves you and Melinda. He is so kind and uplifting...saying the perfect words to make you know things will be okay and you will make it...there are many who miss the relationship ya'll have.

    I have to say also that he is a good friend, too. I love all three of you. God is great.

  2. Jenn, I had the privilege of working with Greg and I can attest to the fact that he is a proud Pop. I consider him a dear friend and cannot wait to see how much weight he has lost and maybe get some pointers from him. Congratulations to two great people.

    In Christ,

    Gerald Powell
