April 13, 2019

Just Sparkle


A few days ago I walked into my favorite nail salon with just my purse.

Normally I take a book that I’m reading or my journal to write. But on this day I left it all in the car. As I sat in the chair and my pedicure began something happened and it wouldn’t stop...

Tears just started falling from my face. I’d wipe them off only for more to come. The music was so relaxing and soothing!

I needed to have a good quiet cry to just release some recent disappointments that I had faced, and through the tears, Praise God for the victories I’d been given.

My new nail color, lucky for me, has a specific purpose. It’s my favorite color (hot pink) and there’s a lot of sparkle on my nails. You see, as the tears ran down my face, the word “Sparkle” kept coming to my mind. We see signs all around that say “she leaves sparkle wherever she goes”!

As I stared at my nails, I realized I want to be remembered as someone who Sparkles through life. After just praying to the Lord, I walked out of the salon with peace and ready to Sparkle!

I just want to encourage you, whether you are walking through disappointment (or even victory) right now, strive to Sparkle through it. Let others see God sparkling through you!

Remember you are adding to your testimony through each victory and disappointment you walk through! 
Just Sparkle!



Today, I went for a walk and after passing 4 houses I began to run.

After 4 years of not running due to fear of falling again and hurting myself, I found myself placing one foot in front of the other.

Today, I listened to my body and stopped when I needed to and then ran some more! It was messy and slow, but strangely peaceful!

I stayed in my lane and didn’t quit! I ran longer than I ever imagined. Today, it felt amazing to just run and not quit! 

Today, fear did not win or cripple me! I just thanked God for helping me reach this Victory! Tomorrow I’m going to be sore and it’s going to be worth it!

If fear is holding you back from running your race I just want to encourage you to lay it down! Put one foot in front of the other!

Keep Moving!