February 2, 2011

Music to Melt
This morning I finally created a play list to go with my blog. I will change it from time to time but wanted to share some songs that have really ministered to me when I have been down or blue.

When I can Only Imagine came out it was a couple of months after my dad died. Every time I heard this song I would just bawl like a baby because it gave me a clear picture Heaven and I wanted to be with my daddy. This song gives us such a picture of HEAVEN and what a Glorious Day that will be.

Lately the song that I JUST LOVE is GOD GAVE ME YOU by Dave Barnes. When you first hear it, you might think it is for that Special person in your life. But for me it is a Constant Reminder of the people God has placed in my life during this journey. It reminds me How I need to praise GOD for all of the people he has put in my life during the good and tough times in life.

What songs have ministered to you lately??
Warming Up,

1 comment:

  1. Jenn,

    This is a beautiful song and what makes it more powerful are your words. I couldn't agree more. I am so impressed with how you keep reaching deeper and stretching higher in your life to impact others. Keep doing it! You are an amazing woman letting God lead you!:) Cristie
