February 3, 2011

I've Fallen But I will Get Up!

Never in my life would I have Dreamed that I would be stuck in my house since Tuesday. I got really excited when one of my friends called for me to come play with them on Tuesday afternoon so I very gently go on Coit which is close to 121 to embrace the ice. Well my car slipped and slided so I decided to carefully go back home.

On Wednesday morning I woke up to my alarm system going off, it was because the power going on and off. The dish is on and off so it takes longer to reboot.This took place for most of the morning. So again I worked on stuff here at the house. It was great getting to catch up with friends on the phone. It has been great spending time with the Lord by catching up on reading, journaling, and blogging.

Today, I woke up it was nice outside and the sun was shining so I decided this afternoon I would venture out. I love being around People but Ive been in this house by myself since Monday night. Its time to see people. Oh well I only made it a little ways down Coit it was just too icy for me. Then I got home and my car could not make it up the drive way. Bummer! One of my friends called and said to pour hot water and salt on the ice. Well as I started doing it the ice was breaking, I was so excited until....

Yes you are right.. I fell really hard on the ice. My hands are bruised and my clothes got soaked.. Im sure tomorrow will be hard to move.. and Yes my car is sitting in the front of the house..

Having Cabin Fever,

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