February 26, 2011

The Frustration/Joy of Losing Weight

Have you had a time where you have been trying to loose weight and then your body hits a huge plateau??? Well this has been my life since Dec 31. I can not get over this hump. So Ive changed my diet to be very strict, added more workout time into my daily routine and YEP you guessed it, Still nothing... Ive been so frustrated by this it has kind of gotten me down. But then I keep praying Lord, please help me not to get discouraged but to Keep my Eyes on YOU!! Focusing on what the Lord has for me and not getting bogged down with my frustrations. Just continuing to work harder at it.

But here is what is so Exciting for me, in being an only Child I never had someone to share or borrow clothes with.. I have finally gone down to sizes where Im getting hand me down clothes from other friends. This has been a huge blessing due to trying to save money till I get to the size I want to be. My friends Lauren and Carla have given me so many cute clothes. But what has been so fun is to go look in my friend Jenny's closet and be able to wear something of hers. I know this might sound cheesy but its a great feeling when you can wear someone else's clothes...

For the past week and a half, I have officially gone to the gym every morning by 5 am and am working out for an hour. This next week my goal is to get weights into my routine. I have never been able to run on the treadmill and am finally able to. I love the Couch to 5k application. If you do not have it you should get it because it tells you when to run and the walk.
I have become the girl who parks further away in parking lots so I can walk further it all adds up.
Also, I have added lime/lemon or just a little bit of organic apple juice to my water. I have even cut down on my decaf unsweetened tea.

I would love to hear about your successes/or frustration of trying to lose weight, so leave me a Comment.
God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever tried to do a "cleanse"? There are all kinds- colon, liver. I only did one last summer, but then got preggo right after. I did lose 10 lbs in the week and a half that I did it. You can check on line or if you have a trainer, maybe they can reccommend one.
    :) You look amazing! Keep it up sister, you'll get over that hump!
