March 27, 2011

WE Weekend

This past weekend I attended Prestonwood Baptist Women's Retreat called WE Weekend. My brain is still processing everything I learned. I was really excited about this weekend, because I just needed to be refueled. I knew a few slaps in the face would be coming my way.

Can I just tell you I am in SUCH AWE of how the Lord works and speaks in mighty ways. The worship team did a dynamic job leading us, which put a few new favorite songs in my head that I keep singing.

Yesterday as we were wrapping up the retreat, all women of all ages were encouraged to come down forward and fill out a card of things they were going to commit to do, whether it be in the WORD for 20 minutes a day or make a change in their life. As I stood passing out cards to Women, I was in awe of how many older women came down and took cards. Then God spoke to me, saying Jenn, even when these older women are retired, or have grand babies they still have their own issues. This is why it is so Important that whatever phase of life you are in, that we Encourage our other Sisters in Christ!! No they may not be able to emphasize on my single life, but they can truly love on me and vice versa.

Through Debbie's message on Friday night I learned that there are things in my life that interfere with my relationship with the Lord. I have journaled those things to the Lord. But she encouraged everyone in the room to spend 20 minutes a day in the Word for the rest of our Lives... Let me tell you if you are not doing this, I Challenge you to Jump on board, it really will rock your WORLD.

Next, Arnita Taylor spoke on the Intecessory of Prayer, and my sweet friends, it made me just want to PRAY more...I want to not only Pray but to be Still more and Listen to the Lord speak to me.

On Saturday morning, I took to heart Julie Choate's message on Complaining. My prayer is to change the complaints and see the good in the problem by replacing it with thanksgiving and gratitude. Also to run to by Abba Father and give him the things bothering me.

Marian Jordan spoke and she just blessed my heart, with her teaching on the Lies we believe verses the TRUTH.. Now let me just tell you her testimony is Amazing, but the JOY and Love she has for the Lord is truly Catching. It was such an encouragement to me to hear the Word that the Lord gave her to speak. I needed it so much!

I'm in total AWE of the Lord and the message that Chrissie gave to us on Being in Awe of our Lord. Everyday God puts things in our lives to be in AWE of, its just slowing down and looking for them.

I am so thankful for the Leadership of Prestonwoods Women's ministry. We are so fortunate to be led by women who Encourage and share God's word. I have so much more on my heart, but I have to get some sleep.... They gym is calling my name very early in the morning...

God is Good and I'm thankful for all of the ways he is molding me into being more like HIM!

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