March 17, 2011

The Fairy Tale of Relationships

After Monday nights episode of the Bachelor, I have had lots of conversations with friends about it. Yes, I have not watched the Bachelor in a couple of seasons, but because a friend of mine was on this season I had to watch it. Yes, I was a huge fan for Team Emily.
I am glad they said they were having problems, because relationships are a lot of work and they are not always glamorous.. Growing up, I remember thinking of relationships like a Princess, they end happily ever after, but did I think they were a lot of work, NOOO....I thought it was just easy.

As I have spent time thinking about relationships in my life, I know the right one is out there but its Waiting on the Lord for me to meet him! Here is what the Lord has taught me in order to be ready for that Relationship:
  • How is your time alone with the Lord? - If you are having trouble spending time with him now, how will you when you are in a relationship.
  • Are you listening to God's voice? Is he calling you to do something while you are in this waiting period?
  • How are you spending your time? Is God calling you to serve while you wait. I have had more fun serving in different areas while I grow closer to the Lord.
  • Is God wanting you to go on a mission trip?
  • Are you pouting because you are not in a relationship? Are you spreading JOY while you are waiting on God's best.
  • When that relationship comes into your life- Will you be READY?
My Favorite Verse comes into play with writing this- Psalms 37:4 "Delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your HEART."
For so long I have shared with friends that Contentment is Huge while you are Single, but seeing God at work during this time in my life has been the Biggest Blessing. My life truly has been an Adventure- and I am looking forward to the next adventure, whatever Christ has instore for me...

What has been your biggest VICTORY while waiting on God's Best?
Waiting Patiently,

1 comment:

  1. great post Jenn! So very proud of you! You're the exact right path! Keep doing what you're doing!

