March 9, 2011

Donut Holes

On Sunday morning, I decided to treat my junior girls, with a box full of donut holes. As they kept eating them, they would make comments, like just one more, or ughh its making me sick, but I'll just have another one. (Yes, I was a good and ate an apple while they ate their donut holes.)

As the girls were talking the Lord reminded me of Just how we want one more donut hole or something sweet, we keep going back for more, when we are trying to stop. It's just like the sin that we get entangled with we continue to go back to it, when we need to Stop. Take a deep breath, and give it to the Lord. We need to lay this sin at his feet, and stop trying to do it again.

God wants to carry our burdens and the sin that gets in the way of knowing God more intimately. Is there a sin in your life that you are having trouble giving it all to the Lord? If so, I pray today that you would remember 1Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxieties on the Lord, and he will Care for YOU! You are not alone, God wants to be in total control of your life, and wants to help you with the sin, that you might struggle with.

So, the next time you eat a Donut hole, think of me, as I miss that sweet treat!
God Bless

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