February 2, 2012

My Momma

Melinda Gale Alexander
Today, Friday, is another special day its My Best Friends Birthday! My very best friend, happens to be my Mother. When I came in to her world we immediately had a special connection. As I gave her one of the biggest scares when I was very little(meningitis) she never left my side- 14 days later. All I wanted was my momma..

My Mother has to be one of the most Godly, Patient, Loving, Soft Spoken woman I know. She is a true picture of the Proverbs 31 woman. I can not be more blessed to have a mother that has prayed with me, for me, and most of all watching her spend time in the Word from a very early age. She taught me how important it is to start your day with the Lord.

Even when times are tough she looks at the Positive, prays through those times, and most of all gives me Wisdom. Thank you mom for wiping the tears, through the hard and good times, for always being my Biggest fan. I'm blessed by you every day! Thank you for teaching me what a true heart for teaching and loving people is all about. I may not look like you, but I have alot of your characteristics and mannerisms...

You are totally the kind of mom I want to be one day! I can not be thankful enough to have YOU as my mom..

Happy Birthday,
I love you!
You are my HERO!

1 comment:

  1. That is a wonderful tribute to your mom, Jenn. From what we can tell you exhibit a lot of the same qualities as your mom. She taught you well and I know she is very proud of you. It does my heart good to see that you've grown up to follow the Lord and put Him first in your life. What a blessing for your mother! You were and are a gift from heaven above for her. Thanks for sharing! And by the way, I remember when you had the meningitis. I remember her taking you to the front and Bro. Charles praying over you. I was about 9 years old but I remember it well. And here you are today a grown, beautiful woman of God, following Him with your life and giving Him all the glory. Praise the Lord!
