July 13, 2015

Let's get this Conference Started

Let's get this Conference Started
My morning started off with a fabulous braid by one of my team members Lisa. We packed the bus and it was time to go to the conference. When we arrived at the conference we set up the classrooms and registration. My job this year is helping with registration, setting up lunch,  anything team members need, take pictures and etc. etc.
This morning as the teachers arrived they were so happy and excited to be at this conference. Some teachers were dropped off, some drove and some walked. These teachers are the sweetest and such a joy to work with! For lunch we served: cow foot, veggie tips, barbecue chicken, rice and peas, and a pasta dish.  After lunch two of the women brought Patti and I a guinep (pics below). You bite it in half take the skin off, and get the juice off the seed. It was delish! 
This was the first year we have had volunteers at the conference. Can I just say they were a huge lifesaver and a blessing. 
As we were wrapping things up at the conference it came a huge rain. I run to the cafeteria to wrap up our materials and quickly go put them on the bus. While outside in the rain I just looked up and could see this magnificent scenery of mountains, rain falling down, and the coolness that it brought. You see the classrooms we teach in do not have air conditioning so you sweat a lot. 
Due to the rain we changed how our conference was suppose to end for the day. Honestly it was hard to see some teachers walk away in the rain but they had the sweetest smiles and were so excited to have their new materials for their classrooms. 
The conference was a huge success with 80 teachers! 
After we got back to our home for the week we rested while listening to the rain fall which was soooo peaceful. The rain stopped for us to watch the sunset. The ocean is right across the street from our home for the week! 
Yes I have more stories that I want to share but it's late so there's more to come. We appreciate your prayers! 
                          God Bless,

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