November 30, 2011

A Recent Life Lesson--of 5 Words

"Thank you Lord, Thank you"
Today, I sat back and thought about a person who has greatly impacted my life. When my Uncle Rob was in his early 20's he was diagnosed with Krohn's disease. Some of my earliest memories are with Uncle Rob being at Baylor Hospital in Dallas for a surgery or lengthy hospital stay for his disease. I can remember him being so sick and weak, but he never COMPLAINED. He has taken his Journey with a Smile and has not let it get him down. (On another note I thought as a child you were suppose to spend Christmas in the hospital.)

They do not have any children, which breaks my heart because they would have
been amazing parents
I was thinking about how in my own life, I had this certain plan that I thought was going to be. Then I think about Uncle Rob and Aunt Nan they have been through so many hurdles with his Krohns disease that they just keep going without Complaining.. Isn't this a priceless picture of what God has called us to do to not be Mumblers or Complainers.

I can not even begin to tell you how Amazing My Aunt and Uncle are by constantly encouraging, sending me a card for every holiday, Praying for me, and most of all Loving me. We have had alot of chats about different scriptures and what God is teaching us.

But I have to tell you, that Recently Uncle Rob had a Krohns flair up where he was in the hospital, and My Aunt Nan went for her chemo treatment and got sent to MD Anderson, which she had to have a surgery! They were separated in 2 different cities. Again neither one of them complained, in fact my Aunt Nan apologized to the nurses for having to bother them for her pain medicine.Aunt Nan got discharged on Sat morning and we headed to Lufkin.

As soon as we got home, Uncle Rob said "Thank you Lord, Thank you! for getting us home safe. Through out the next week, anytime I saw them they were constantly saying, "Thank you Lord, Thank you. For the smallest things to the biggest items in their lives, they know and Believe God is in Control! "Thank you God, Thank you.. This immediately got my attention and made me think about How many times God blesses me through out the day, and I do not stop to say Thank you Lord, Thank you!

So as I go through out my day, I am constantly looking out for those blessings and Saying; Thank you Lord, Thank you!

Thank you Lord, Thank you for all that you are doing and all that you going to do!

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