May 20, 2011

The Rainbow.....

I am not a fan of lightning or storms unless I am staying at home. Over the past month we have had a lot of storms. Today I watched a hard rain and the wind blew sideways. As I watched the storm it made me want to go to sleep. After the storm stopped I went to run some errands, and as I looked in the sky on the right side of the road there was a beautiful long rainbow and to the left there was a sunset with the sun sitting in the clouds. It was actually breath taking. Now in my opinion, I feel that the rainbow is just the sweetest blessing from the Lord. You never know when it is going to appear. Its a surprise!! If we just take the time to appreciate the Surprises in life-and just appreciate what God has planned for us. Thank you for the Rainbow today what a sweet way to end the week!

Looking forward to the next Rainbow!

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