February 26, 2019

Just Be... Reflective

Just be… Reflective

 As I lie in bed thinking about the weekend, I’m just in Awe of all that God has done in my life.  First of all, preparing to answer the questions for the women’s retreat really stopped me in my tracks.

I am typically a bubbly, energetic, and usually really happy person.  But when my world shattered I lived in defeat and complete brokenness for a year and a half.   Fast forward 4 years and I have learned to be completely thankful for the people he placed in my path.  

My family - They were there, grieved with me, and are continually by my side.  I’m incredibly thankful for their unconditional love, constant prayers, and pointing me back to Jesus in my brokenness.  It was a long season of being broken-hearted and they loved me through it. 

When in complete devastation, I called my dear friend Holly who walked through this journey with me. She has stayed a constant in my life.  

The woman who has loved me like a sister and let me be a fake aunt to their kids- Julie- embraced me but gave me a lot of tough love and scripture.  

Both Holly and Julie include me in their family events and have let me invest in not only their lives but their kids as well.

I’m beyond thankful that Chrissie asked me to grab dinner and I cried through most of it... From that night on she has discipled/mentored me through all different emotions going on 4 years now. She has pushed me in my walk with the Lord, challenged me to go deeper in my walk, and cheers me on through every situation! 

I never dreamed I would get to be a part of a Bible fellowship class with the most amazing teacher and friend- Deb.. She has been a faithful friend, letting me be salty at times, but not letting me stay there, and not afraid to push me..

Everyone needs a Brooke in their life.  I remember the details so vividly of that weekend and she was there every minute. They were moving into a new house and I just wept. She has encouraged, loved me, and wept with me.  

To all those who are in my TRIBE and daily impact my life- Thank you for being a part of my journey, for leading me back to scripture, encouraging me, and being a constant in my life no matter through the mountains, valleys, or low times.

God has placed amazing women in my life that I’m incredibly thankful and blessed to have in my life daily.  They’ve shown me what a TRIBE looks like.

Tammie has become one of my dearest friends, never judging, always knowing what to say, and I’m completely thankful God placed her in my life when he did.  In a few weeks I’ll be 39. This is not the path I thought I would be on, but God has been completely faithful!

If you’re walking in disappointment or hurt right now, look for the Victory and do not live in defeat.

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