December 2, 2018

Just Be on the Lookout!

Just Be on the Lookout

In recent weeks, the Lord has placed different “Just be” statements on my heart.

I love Christmas and all of the traditions. I love going on adventures, looking at Christmas lights, going to Christmas events and, of course, the baking of candies from different family members recipes.

I do realize not everyone is excited about Christmas.  Think about the people in your life that are going through their 1st Christmas without a loved one, or the adults who are away from their kids due to a divorce. I’ve decided this Christmas season I’m going to be on the lookout to bring a smile to those who are hurting.

What can you do to bring a smile and remind people of Jesus this Christmas season?

1. Don’t miss spending time with the Lord preparing for this Christmas season.

2. December is one of the busiest months of the year filled with hustle and bustle.  Pray that you would be on the lookout for ways to bless people you come in contact with.

3. Take time to talk to the checkout clerk.

4. Invite your friend to a Christmas service with you.

5. Be on the lookout for someone you could bless this Christmas season.

6. Send someone a card.

Scriptures to hold onto:
Gal. 5:13 b “But through love serve one another.”

Psalm 100:2 “Serve the Lord with gladness.”

I’d love to hear from you this week on how you are “Just Being” on the lookout.