March 5, 2019

What will You CHOOSE?

What will you CHOOSE?
Every day we are given a fresh start, no matter what we are facing.  God’s word reminds us in Lamentations 3:22-23…
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Each day you have the CHOICE to decide how your day will go.  I’ve learned that each day may be filled with positive or negative, but I have a choice on how will I handle the situation. The day-to-day of life can sometimes get us so bogged down that we miss out on what the Lord is doing in our lives. 
I don’t want to be a person who misses out on what the Lord is doing in my life because I choose not to Glorify the Lord.
 Whatever you are facing today, you have the freedom to Choose how you will react to situations, how you will walk, and how you will Glorify the Lord.
Will you….
·      Choose to Praise the Lord for what He is doing in your life
·      Choose to Enjoy the new day you’ve been given
·      Choose to not Dwell in the negative
·      Choose Joy
·      Choose to be happy
·      Choose to Trust
·      Choose to have Faith, not fear
·      Choose to look for the positive
·      Choose to look ahead
·      Choose to laugh 
·      Choose to listen
·      Choose to go on an outing
·      Choose to step out and try something new.
·      Choose to let GO of the PAST.
·      Choose not to Worry
·      Choose to live in the PRESENT
·      Choose to monitor your time on Social media

                       What Will you Choose?
                          God Bless,

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