June 1, 2019

Just Go

Just Go

As I type this post, these phrases pop into my head:

Create the memories!

Take a leap of faith!

For me, fear has crept in and held me back from doing things. I get caught up in wanting to try something new, but then chicken out. What if I’m not good enough? Or will I make a fool out of myself?
This week I was challenged to make a bucket list of things I want to do this summer! I’ve started my list and can’t wait to check things off! My first place to check off was the Fizzdrinks in Frisco! It is the cutest old fashion soda joint! The drinks were super cute, tasty, and inexpensive!
This week I’ve spent a lot of time being an aunt! With school being out for me, I’ve gotten to attend activities at their school from the kickball tournament, 5th grade play, and even surprised them with lunch or afternoon treats! I’ve had the best time just getting to be present!
Another way I’ve gotten to “just go” this week is being intentional with friends! I’ve had time to have two hour lunches, talking about God’s word, being encouraged by friends and challenged as well!!
I’m excited for the opportunity to Just Go and for the opportunities, memories, and to try new things!

I’d love to hear how you are going to Just Go this summer!

April 13, 2019

Just Sparkle


A few days ago I walked into my favorite nail salon with just my purse.

Normally I take a book that I’m reading or my journal to write. But on this day I left it all in the car. As I sat in the chair and my pedicure began something happened and it wouldn’t stop...

Tears just started falling from my face. I’d wipe them off only for more to come. The music was so relaxing and soothing!

I needed to have a good quiet cry to just release some recent disappointments that I had faced, and through the tears, Praise God for the victories I’d been given.

My new nail color, lucky for me, has a specific purpose. It’s my favorite color (hot pink) and there’s a lot of sparkle on my nails. You see, as the tears ran down my face, the word “Sparkle” kept coming to my mind. We see signs all around that say “she leaves sparkle wherever she goes”!

As I stared at my nails, I realized I want to be remembered as someone who Sparkles through life. After just praying to the Lord, I walked out of the salon with peace and ready to Sparkle!

I just want to encourage you, whether you are walking through disappointment (or even victory) right now, strive to Sparkle through it. Let others see God sparkling through you!

Remember you are adding to your testimony through each victory and disappointment you walk through! 
Just Sparkle!



Today, I went for a walk and after passing 4 houses I began to run.

After 4 years of not running due to fear of falling again and hurting myself, I found myself placing one foot in front of the other.

Today, I listened to my body and stopped when I needed to and then ran some more! It was messy and slow, but strangely peaceful!

I stayed in my lane and didn’t quit! I ran longer than I ever imagined. Today, it felt amazing to just run and not quit! 

Today, fear did not win or cripple me! I just thanked God for helping me reach this Victory! Tomorrow I’m going to be sore and it’s going to be worth it!

If fear is holding you back from running your race I just want to encourage you to lay it down! Put one foot in front of the other!

Keep Moving!

March 23, 2019

Just Be Steadfast

Just Be Steadfast

            I’ve learned that life is full of ups and downs with many turning points. During discipleship, Chrissie asked me “What book are you personally studying in the Bible”?  I began praying and asking the Lord where He might want me to dig in deeper. The Lord led me to James where I’ve been reading each passage very slowly and letting it sink in to a deeper level. 

            Let’s read James 1:1- “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: Greetings.” “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4 ESV https://www.bible.com/59/jas.1.1-4.esv  

             Literally I was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the word “steadfast”.  Steadfast literally jumped off the page to me.

Webster defines Steadfast as
a : firmly fixed in place : immovable
b : not subject to change
2 : firm in belief, determination, or adherence

            After reading these verses and these definitions I started reflecting on this in my own life. You see, I’ve found myself being so happy and then hitting the hard times where I get frustrated and may not dig my heels into God’s Word like He wants me to.  

            After reading this, I desire for my life with the Lord to be so steadfast that no matter if I’m walking through a JOYFUL season or a hard season I want to remain constant in my walk with the Lord.  No matter the situation I want to TRUST the Lord for His plan for my life and to increase my FAITH in Him! 

            I don’t know what you are walking through right now but I just want to encourage you to dig deep into the Lord and run hard to Him.  Let Him cover you, guide, and direct your every step!

                                              Just Be Steadfast,

March 8, 2019

Right on Time

Right on Time...
 Isn’t it amazing how God brings people in our life at just the right time? You know, I’ve experienced times where people were placed in my life.  Some of these people are in my life forever and some were for only a short season..
 I have been thinking about how God puts people in our lives at different times.  How often have we prayed for someone we don’t even know at the request of someone in our prayer group.  We may never know the person that we are praying for here on Earth, but nevertheless have been connected (through prayer) to another sister.  When we see that sister in Heaven, WE ALL will get to Rejoice at Prayers that were ANSWERED....
Here are some verses that I’ve just loved reading and have spoken to my heart..
1 Thess 5:11
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
This is an important lesson about having true community in our lives.  To be real and love on each other.

Deut 11:1
You shall therefore love the LORD your God and keep his charge, his statutes, his rules, and his commandments always.
I love this verse because even when we are frustrated with what is going on in our lives and not seeing Prayers answered the way we would like, we must keep digging in our heals even more to Christ...

Psalm 36:10
Oh, continue your steadfast love to those who know you, and your righteousness to the upright of heart!

Praise God we are all in this together...
Whether we have never met or been friends for years...
Praise God for ladies that will pray for each other daily... that will fight with you when you are feeling defeated...
God is Good....

                                           God Bless,
                                           Jenn Smith

March 5, 2019

What will You CHOOSE?

What will you CHOOSE?
Every day we are given a fresh start, no matter what we are facing.  God’s word reminds us in Lamentations 3:22-23…
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Each day you have the CHOICE to decide how your day will go.  I’ve learned that each day may be filled with positive or negative, but I have a choice on how will I handle the situation. The day-to-day of life can sometimes get us so bogged down that we miss out on what the Lord is doing in our lives. 
I don’t want to be a person who misses out on what the Lord is doing in my life because I choose not to Glorify the Lord.
 Whatever you are facing today, you have the freedom to Choose how you will react to situations, how you will walk, and how you will Glorify the Lord.
Will you….
·      Choose to Praise the Lord for what He is doing in your life
·      Choose to Enjoy the new day you’ve been given
·      Choose to not Dwell in the negative
·      Choose Joy
·      Choose to be happy
·      Choose to Trust
·      Choose to have Faith, not fear
·      Choose to look for the positive
·      Choose to look ahead
·      Choose to laugh 
·      Choose to listen
·      Choose to go on an outing
·      Choose to step out and try something new.
·      Choose to let GO of the PAST.
·      Choose not to Worry
·      Choose to live in the PRESENT
·      Choose to monitor your time on Social media

                       What Will you Choose?
                          God Bless,

March 3, 2019



We all have times in our lives where we deal with rejection.

Maybe it’s through a break up, a lost friendship, or we don’t get invited to a certain party or event. 

Maybe you have faced rejection through not getting a promotion at work that you had been working so hard to get.

If you are going through rejection, or have walked through it recently, this is a promise the Lord gave me as an example of how the Lord is with us during these times.
…Is hard
…Leads to brokenness (which can lead to pity parties)

But God almighty is present through it all

He's holding you through the tears.
He brings you a brand new day to carry you through.
In the midst of brokenness, God is restoring and healing you!

YOU decide how you will deal with your emotions!  We were called to persevere and run after the Lord especially when dealing with rejection.  As we deal with rejection we lay it at HIS feet, refusing to dwell on it.

Lord, equip us with your promises as we heal and continue to go through life. 

May our rejection add to our testimony and most of all bring God the GLORY!

                                                 God Bless and Love,